1 | Airport and weather 867-925-9711
2 | Calm Air Agent 867-925-9767
5 | Attiqtait Preschool 867-925-8144
6 | Aiviit Hunters and Trappers Organization 867-925-8622
7 | Community Economic Development Office Hamlet of Coral Harbour 867-925-8868
8 | Health Center 867-925-9916
9 | Hamlet of Coral Harbour 867-925-8323
10 | Human Rights Tribunal Office 867-925-8447
11 | Kivalliq Inuit Association 867-925-8136
12 | Post Office Located at the Northern Store 867-925-8040
13 | RCMP 867-925-0123
14 | Sakku School 867-925-8822
15 | Sivuniksavut Daycare 867-925-8036
16 | Arctic College 867-925-9746
17 | Radio Station (FM 101.9) 867-925-8597
18 | 11 Mile Trek 867-925-9767
22 | J & J auto repair service 867-925-8134 or 8621
23 |Leonie’s Place and Craft Shop 867-925-9751
25 | R & A Rental 867-925-8098
26 | Runway Taxi 867-925-8052
27 | Sudliq Development Ltd. 867-925-8119
28 | Tuniq Lumber and Supplies 867-925-8255
29 | Ulu House 867-925-8018
30 | Katudgevik Coop Store 867-925-9969 | 867-925-9909
31 | Northern Store 867-925-9920
Guides/Outfitters/Tour Operators
32 | Siku Tours 867-925-8461 aaron_emiktowt@hotmail.com
33 | E & E Outfitting 867-925-8455
— | Polar Bear Adventures 867-925-8320 polarbearadventures@hotmail.com
— | J&J Outfitters 867-925-8134
— | Natakok Outfitting Adventures Clifford Natakok
— | Southampton Island Adventures 867-925-8279 Darcy Nakoolak
— | Arctic Games Outfitting Sam Emiktowt 867-925-8052
— | Southampton Tours Greg Ningeocheak 867-925-8068
— | Saimaut Quvianaq Tours 867-925-8847
34 | Glad Tidings Mission 867-925-8875
35 | St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Mission 867-925-8277
36 | St. Mark’s Anglican Church 867-925-8397
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